In august 2021, designer Antonio Shin founded the SHIN brand.
Antonio Shin, is a overseas Korean living in Seoul, where he works on men's and women's collections. As a Korean who grew up in Eurasia, I have my own individual understanding of Korean culture, one way or another I look at Korea from the outside from a different angle, I can say I am a researcher who is constantly looking for inspiration in Korean culture, rethinking it in the language of clothing. "The main source of inspiration for me is Korean folk crafts, art, traditional hanbok costume." At the beginning of its journey, absolutely every product of the SHIN brand was literally a rethought hanbok (Korean traditional costume). Now I want to move forward, go further, rethink the great heritage of Korean culture in a different way, perhaps the brand's clothes no longer look like hanbok at all, but everything has both a past and a future, which is why I can be inspired by both the heritage of Korea in the Joseon dynasty era and the appearance of Korea in the 21st century.

One of the main directions of the brand is fusion “hanbok” - traditional Korean costume. Our version of the hanbok can be the perfect daytime wear for those who are not afraid to be the center of attention and show off their creative inner world through clothing.

We absolutely don't want to dress all the people in the world. It is much more important for us to find the right people with whom we will have the same understanding of beauty. It's extremely important to us to build our community of people who feel aligned with our brand's vision. We firmly believe that when people wear SHIN, it's not about how they look, but how they feel.

First of all, we want to dress individuals. SHIN is a brand that advocates for positive body image and acceptance of others regardless of physical ability, size, gender, race or appearance. We are for supporting the individual right to feel comfortable in their own body and in any appearance. We would like to provide the opportunity to choose for everyone who likes our vision in fashion and those who want to express themselves, as well as accept themselves as we are. That's why we're working hard to expand our size range.

Yes, today we are far from a body-positive brand, so far in the size line of ready-made clothing of our brand we can only offer size XXL, but we are striving to increase our size range. At the moment we are ready to create any product according to your size to order.

It doesn’t matter to us what gender, race, or how you want to present yourself to the outside world. Wear only what you like, guided by your inner sense of beauty. There is nothing more beautiful than a person who confidently carries himself by being who he is.

For SHIN, the brand is very important to sustainable development and the environmental agenda. However, the fashion industry is structured in such a way that we can only strive to reduce the consumption of natural resources in the production and sale of clothing, but we cannot become a completely environmental brand. In the fashion industry this is impossible, because buying new things is a process in the chain of production and consumption of ready-made clothing. Therefore, we make every effort within our power to reduce damage to the environment as much as possible.

When creating collections, we always strive to create “conscious design” pieces that will last for several seasons, and you can combine them with items from previous collections to slow down the pace of style circulation.
The main materials in our collections are cotton and wool, so our main goal is to find new suppliers who work with organic raw materials, as well as recycled and recyclable materials.

It is fundamentally important for us that all people who were involved in the SHIN brand remain people whose rights, both personal and social-legal, are protected.

It is impossible to ignore the global destructive consequences for the world ecology caused by the use of toxic chemicals both in the growing process and in the process of processing and dyeing textiles, which also pollute the earth's water resources. Human health is also exposed to toxic effects at all stages of the production cycle in textile factories, in particular in third world countries. That's why we try to work with fabric suppliers whose production processes are as environmentally friendly as possible.
Contract garment production of the brand is always inspected by brand employees to ensure compliance with labor standards of comfort and working conditions for employees of garment factories, as well as wage standards for production employees.

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